Draft of proposal

Ein stiller Ort hysterischer Besinnung (A Place of Hysteric Contemplation)

Second proposal for the redesigning of the mouth of the Creek Braunebach near Kamen "Über Wasser gehen" (Walk on Water), project of the European Capitol of Culture Ruhr 2010, artistic direction: Billie Erlenkamp.

**not realised

Material: Bronze, concrete, apple trees
Figure: W x H x D = 80 cm x 150 cm x 65 cm
(31,5 in x 59 in x 25,6 in ), height of pedestal: 230 cm (90 in)

The mounth of the Braunebach into the Seseke in the outskirts of Kamen is an insignificant and historically irrelevant place. Through the Seseke-Renaturierungsprojekt (renaturation of the Seseke) it will receive an entirely new configuration according to contemporary standards of renaturation and lose its industrial gestalt.

But of what kind of nature are such perceptions which shall give a new structure to an entire stretch of land and on what kind of values are they based?

The Lippeverband comissioned an engineering firm to undertake a study for the designing of the bridges.

The design should encompass the configuration of all bridges like a modular system whereas all the constrcutions can be aesthetically derived from each other.

The project "Über Wasser Gehen"  (Walk on Water) was conceived within the frame of the European Capitol of Culture Ruhr 2010; ten artists were invited to propose art works for a pathway along the Seseke.
We developed a concept giving some new significance to the area which seems vacant and unallocated. For this reason we erect a monument in the fashion of a patron of the bridge who will protect the mouth of the Braunebach.

The strange box-like figure out of bronze seems weathered and stands on a low pedestal graced by a text plate likewise out of bronze.

The figure is covered from three sides with an arrangment of folds. On the frontside the bronze curtain of folds opens and Spongebob* looks out of the hide-place. The figure reaches his arm with an air of importance to the spectator.

The hand shines golden and gives the impression of being polished by numerous touches, the other hand is rised performing a symbolic gesture like an oracel.

Spongebob’s box-like figure stands on thin legs that leave a hollow underneath the body, the form of the hollow reminds of a shrine or altar. A bronze apple leans on one leg.

The bronze figure is mentioned in the story written on the text plate and relates to the establishing of apple trees. The trees also exists nearby as the area is planted with apple trees of all sorts.

As bronze outlasts for centuries and apple trees continously grow they give the place the character of a rather pre-industrial time. In this way, the place will be prospectively released of its problematic situation and visual disorientation, figure and reason become one with each other. At some point, the question is dispensable, if the apple trees are here because of the story, or the story because of the apple trees, than the apple trees are real and constitute the landscape.

Due to the apple trees a place of solicitousness comes into existence, a place of nature and culture. The apple trees symbolise the idea of cultivated nature refering to the circumstance that roamers and vagabonds used to be able to supply themselves.

**Unfortunately, also this proposal had to be ceased despite enormous engagement by Billie Erlenkamp. But not due to financial or technical reasons, but because the major being in office in the City of Kamen successfully seeked to end the project.

First proposal: draw bridge ----------------------->


*Sponge Bob  is a cartoon character who achieved a worldwide wave of success in children’s tv in recent years. The series is braodcasted in 50 countries, so the yellow sponge became a virtual personality in public sphere. Interestingly enough, the larger fan potential for the character isn’t among children but rather among adults and Spong Bob rised to an iconic figure among homosexuals, too. With his hysteric nature and “morality” the sponge living on the ocean bed in a small place called Bikini is deemed as role model and moral authority. One finds in German supermarkets an abundance of consumer products with the distinctive yellow figure.

© 2009 Ulrich Genth & Heike Mutter