Spongebob’s box-like figure stands on thin legs that leave a hollow underneath the body, the form of the hollow reminds of a shrine or altar. A bronze apple leans on one leg.
The bronze figure is mentioned in the story written on the text plate and relates to the establishing of apple trees. The trees also exists nearby as the area is planted with apple trees of all sorts.
As bronze outlasts for centuries and apple trees continously grow they give the place the character of a rather pre-industrial time. In this way, the place will be prospectively released of its problematic situation and visual disorientation, figure and reason become one with each other. At some point, the question is dispensable, if the apple trees are here because of the story, or the story because of the apple trees, than the apple trees are real and constitute the landscape.
Due to the apple trees a place of solicitousness comes into existence, a place of nature and culture. The apple trees symbolise the idea of cultivated nature refering to the circumstance that roamers and vagabonds used to be able to supply themselves.