Draw Bridge (working title)
*not built
Draft for a draw bridge whose sides do not synchronously open and close. The draw brige was conceived for the crossing of the mouth of the Creek Braunebach into the River Seseke near Kamen and contains a pedestrian and bike lane. It is part of the art project "Über Wasser gehen" (Walk on Water) within the **Seseke-Renaturierungsprogramm (Renaturation of the River Seseke) and the European Capitol of Culture Ruhr 2010.
Project proposal: |
For the flat basin of the mouth of the Creek Braunebach leading into the River Seseke we developed a 22 m (72,2 ft) long draw bridge which generously spans the only approx. 75 cm (25 in) wide Braunebach. The two halves of the bridge are not connected and are independently opened by hand. If a pedestrian lifts one of the halves, the bridge is only in one way passable and all travellers coming from the other side have to cross the creek via a small footpath with a few big stones in order to bring down the bridge. |