Installation view castle park Wendlinghausen

Castle park Wendlinghausen

Powder-coated steel, stainless steel, fluorescent lights with pink-violet color spectrum

height 5,5 m (18,53 ft), width 8 m (26,3 ft), depth 6 m (19,8 ft)


The pavilion consists of slender white metal rods. In the broad context of the garden of castle Wendlinghausen, it looks like a sketch on a green background, like a transparent, high-contrast three-dimensional drawing. Like a picture-puzzle, its structure is difficult to detect, especially from afar; its status is open; it alternates between pavilion and stage, line drawing, and architecture.

The form is adopted from a luxury cosmetics sales-booth at Hamburg’s Alsterhaus department store. Attached beneath the roof is a wreath of pink-violet fluorescent lights. At daytime it is a casual detail, but at night it wraps the pavilion in a diffuse, intense space of pink light, which creates a simultaneously warm and aggressive atmosphere. In this light, human skin appears unpleasantly pale, and any skin irritations become strongly visible.

The sculpture was developed for the exhibition series Gartenbühnen - Bühnengärten, (Garden Stages – Stage Gardens) in the region Ostwestfalen Lippe, curated by Roland Nachtigäller.


© 2013 Ulrich Genth / Heike Mutter

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