Photograph above: Thomas Mayer,

Tiger & Turtle – Magic Mountain

(Height x width x depth = 20,6m x 48,2m x 34,4m | 22,52yd x 52,7yd x 37,6yd;
length of the track = 220m | 240,5yd) Walkable outdoor sculpture, zinc-plated steel, grates

© Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth 2009 - 2011

Since 13th of November 2011 the large-scale sculpture "Tiger and Turtle - Magic Mountain" in Duisburg Wanheim (D) is accessible for the public. It overtops the plateau with the artificially heaped-up mountain* by 21m | 23yd so the visitor can rise by more than 45m | 49yd above the level of the landscape and enjoy an impressive view over the Rhine.

Led-lights are integrated in the handrails and highlight the flight of stairs so the sculpture is accessible at night, too.
-------> text written by Karen van den Berg
-------> download press release / images (pdf)
-------> images of different photographers
-------> documentation of the construction process


Concept/design: Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth

Parametric 3-d planning and concept of the stairway system: Arnold Walz, designtoproduction, Stuttgart

Planning of structural framework: Prof. Michael Staffa, Andreas Hertel, ifb frohloff staffa kühl ecker, Berlin

Architects: Sonja Becker + Rüdiger Karzel, bk2a architecture, Cologne

Project coordination: Carola Kemme

Culture Capital Office Duisburg RUHR:2010, management: Dr. Sönke Dinkla,
a project of the cultural capital of Europe RUHR.2010.

The project is supported by Land Nordrhein-Westfalen and the European Union within the frame of the ecological programme Emscher-Lippe-Raum (ÖPEL) and with national funds of Culture Capital Europe RUHR.2010 and also financed with support of private sponsors, like Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann (HKM) affiliated with Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes and Sparkasse Duisburg as well as Stadtwerke Duisburg AG.